Thursday, 27 February 2014

Half-way Checkpoint...Do you want to save your game?

I’m pretty much half way through my year of working in a boarding school library, so I thought it would be interesting to reflect. See what I’ve enjoyed. See if there’s anything else I still want to do, see if I’ve learnt anything about library work and above all…do I still want to do this?

In regards to the last question: yes. Yes I still want to be involved in Library work. Yes I’m still looking forward to beginning my Masters course in September. But that doesn’t necessarily mean I’ve loved every little aspect of my job. There are times when it’s boring. Times when I wonder if I’m making a difference to anyone.

There are times like a couple of days ago, for example. I work until 8pm. I’ve discovered that in the evenings the libraries can be really busy, and I am proving useful by being there. Or times like tonight, when the library was deserted by 6pm. This doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do. It just means I’m missing out on doing what I came into this for: helping people, linking them to the information they need. During the ‘dead’ hours, I re-label, shelf tidy, do any admin based tasks, make sure everything is where it should be, both on the shelves and in our computer files and generally just keep myself busy. I enjoy these little tasks, but I don’t really want to be doing them every day. I understand that in Library work, these are necessary jobs. I’m happy to do my share of the everyday tasks and more. I will come in in the holidays to complete a stock check, so we know which books are missing, I will come in before term starts to get rid of any out of date displays. But the one thing I really haven’t felt I’ve accomplished yet is possibly something really crucial:

A good rapport with the students.

I’m pretty sure many of them still don’t know who I am. Perhaps that’s my fault. They’ll come to me for help sometimes, but more often than not I see them struggling to find what they’re after and it’s me that goes over to see if I can help them. They appreciate the help I’m sure, but I’m wondering if I’m unapproachable. I realise I’m new, and that sometimes I can’t help them (I had a request the other day for someone looking for Spanish Fashion in the Golden Era – I definitely had to google when the Golden Era even was before even thinking about where to look), but I really wish more of them would ask. This has been getting better since I first started the job, and of course there are a few students who know me and will happily come over and ask for things. I even had a ‘thank you’ from one student when the new term started, for the assistance I gave them in finding information for their university application (they got their conditional offer). 

But I don’t believe in grumbling and doing nothing about it. To fill the slight void in my quest to help people, I’ve done something I may possibly come to regret. I’ve offered to volunteer as a reader at a primary school not far from where I work. Basically the children will come and read to me on a one-to-one basis and I’ll help and encourage them. It’s (hopefully) precisely the sort of task I’ll love doing. Getting children interested in reading from an early age is something I think is really important and so many children leave aged 11 without the proper abilities for secondary school. All of my paperwork is in, so hopefully I’ll be setting up sessions within the next couple of weeks and we’ll see if I can make a difference there too. I have nada experience with children below the age of 11, so I think it’s going to be a real eye opener. I’ll be sure to post about it.

On a more positive note, let’s end with the things I love about my role as a Librarian’s assistant.

I love my boss. It’s just me and her that run the library (with the help of another teacher who’s based in the Junior Library for years 7-9) and she’s been really supportive. Answered all my questions, written a reference for my university application, dealt with my silliness and generally just been fun to work with. I’ve found who you work with really does make a difference as to whether you enjoy a job and she’s made it very enjoyable. She’s also someone who I aspire to be like. She’s given me something to aim for. Her knowledge is amazing. She’s great at her job, providing information. She’s got suggestions here there and everywhere and she really works hard to make a difference to the school.  I personally think we make a good team. She explains things carefully, and I’ve been in the job long enough now to just get on with things when she’s concentrating on something. She’s kind of messy. The ‘cupboard of doom’ (as I call it, secretly) would take about a week to clear out properly. There’s a constant fear I’m going to be buried in there one day. But she’s handled my incessant attempts to tidy up very well. As well as my habit of putting stickers on everything and having animals on every poster I do.  We all have our quirks.

I love recommending fiction and doing displays, to get the students reading more of it. There’s a great fiction selection and I’m really happy when I see students looking at the displays and talking about the books they bring back.

I sort of like re-labelling. Don’t judge. Some of the labels have been on that long you can’t read the classifications anymore. When I’ve done a whole shelf load, and they have all their shiny new labels and you can actually read them, it a) makes finding what you want easier and b) it looks better. Win Win. You can’t do it for more than about an hour at a time though. It would make you go crazy.

The best thing about my job I guess is that I actually want to go to work (most days). How many people can say that? You probably won’t be doing the same thing every day and my work environment is generally low stress and great fun. I am lucky and blessed to have my job.  But it has its dull moments. Hey, if life was all one big fun-filled ride, we wouldn’t notice it. The dull bits make us appreciate the good bits. Which far outweigh the negatives.

That’s it! Long post. Rambly ramble. As they say in library-land…SHH. I’ll be back soon.

Over and out.  

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

International Book Giving Day

I could just save you reading a blog post and give you the website, which explains it all. Here you go:

Twitter: #giveabook

I wanted to post about this because it's another one of those important things that I think is important and think everyone should know the importance of. Savvy?

International Book Giving Day's aim is to try and increase access to books for children (though of course they, I'm sure, encourage book giving to all ages!). They encourage people to donate books to children, to places where children might be (waiting rooms etc) or to libraries. Libraries will happily accept second hand books, provided they are not too badly worn. I am forever buying books from charity shops that I think the school library might be in need of, or appreciate. They also support the work of other non-profit organisations that work to get books to children all over the world, including good old Book Aid International, a charity that work predominately in Africa and who gave a talk I went to back in October. You can see the blog post I wrote about them and the work they do here. The other charities they work with are listed on their website, and are based all over the world, from New Zealand to India to the U.S and beyond.

I managed to get some posters up around the school, letting people know that February the 14th isn't just dedicated to everything red and snuggly. It can be a day of giving too. Personally I think I prefer the idea of Book Giving Day, than V-day! Even The Guardian did a piece on it. I myself have endeavoured to raid charity shops this half term to see what I can get for the library I work at. I've already found three good books in really good nick. By buying from charity shops you're also supporting the work they do too. It's an all round win-win situation. I also hope to do something in the next few months to raise funds for a reading charity overseas too. I'll update on here with any progress that happens with that! So what are you waiting for? IBGD might technically be over. But there's always a time to give someone a book. Drop some off at the local dentist, shelter, library or hospital and feel the glow of giving!

Over and out.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Hot off the Shelf: What I'm Reading - "American Gods", Gaiman, Neil.

This was a big book. As Gaiman himself says in the introduction:

I wanted it to be a number of things. I wanted to write a book that was big and odd and meandering and I did.

Man, he delivered on that front. American Gods is not only big physically, but big in the subject matter. However it doesn't become overbearing. It meanders, but you don't get lost. It's like doing a big jigsaw puzzle, or rubix cube, you puzzle over it for ages (this took me forever to read, and I'm usually a fairly quick reader), and in the end you finally slot the last couple of pieces in - the important one's - and it all makes sense and you slap yourself round the face *mentally* for not seeing it before. But that's what keeps it interesting. The whole thing has a dream-like essence about it, real...not real...everything is blurry enough so you're in that zone but grounded enough to keep you with things. The main character, Shadow helps with this grounding.

Shadow is a fantastic character. Some people have complained that he's too emotionally detached. Not really. His emotions are played down. There's a subtle difference between the two and Gaiman's writing style is what makes it work. It's Shadow who keeps us following the story, he keeps us 'with it' because he's 'with it', even during events that are rather not 'with it' at times.
Other people have complained because they think there's some sort of derogatory tone about America and it's culture going on. Not being American I don't think it's any wonder it didn't stir up any of these feelings in me. But even if I's like it said somewhere in the book...
"Nobody's American [...] Not originally. That's my point."
It's crucial to the plot - people brought the Gods to America with them, and now they're being forgotten. I don't think Gaiman is being derogatory. I think it's so because the plot needs it to be so.

That's about all I have to say about American Gods because I'm tired and have other things I should be doing today. Grumble.

Go on a journey with Gaiman and see how you come out at the other end. I think it's worth it.
Rated 4/5.

Over and out.

Displays. Lots of pretty pictures! (Plus my own shoddy attempt).

Displays are really important in libraries. They let you know things, what's going on in the library, what books are new, or relevant for the time of year. It's often a crucial aspect of making the children's area a fun and engaging place to be. They're just another way of engaging people once they're in the library, and getting them to use the services. I wanted to do a post dedicated to all the great ideas I've seen online for displays. First off, here's my shoddy attempt at a display for the Junior library (ages 11-14) for valentine's day:

The text in the four bars down the centre read:
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy...
but here's some Romance,
So read me maybe?
It's not fact it's wonky. But I tried. I tried to choose books that we had that a) were relevant for valentines day and b) books that were either new to the library or that haven't been borrowed so much - to try and encourage them to try them. I've seen the students pointing and discussing the books on the display so at least its getting them interested! The chunks of text next to the book covers are brief synopses.
What follows are some far better and fantastic examples of displays I've found online and may try to adapt for use in our libraries. I've tried to credit the original source where I can. I hope they inspire someone else out there the way they've inspired me!
There's some other beautiful examples on this blog too!

Another great site, with lots more ideas! I really like how simple this is.

I like this idea, as you could keep the display up for a while and have signs to many fantasy worlds. You could also link it to a map themed display, like the one below:

This would be a great one for Graphic Novels and comics. Something we sadly lack where I work.
I think this one could be made prettier, however I really like the concept. Making famous characters Facebook status's or Tweets might be fun. Visually the display below could work with this idea, for Tweets:
So pretty!
Great for a "books of the movie" style display.
OhMy. Obvious I could never do anything like this...but it had to be shared.
And that's where I'm going to end. Otherwise we'll be here all day. Hopefully my next display will be far more fun and I can post with no shame!
Over and out.