Thursday, 7 August 2014

In Preperation. Also my summer reading challenge update!

First off, just to keep you updated, I am officially halfway through my very own summer reading challenge! Three books have been read and three books are yet to be. I finally completed Gone with the Wind on a very long and boring train journey. Then, as is my custom, spent an hour mulling over the book in my head. Asking and answering questions, pondering over the actions of some characters and linking everything possible to my own life. Yeah I do this. Doesn't everyone? Or I at least decide what I would have done if I was in the situation of the characters. Not that it helps. *SPOILER* Gone with the Wind ends pretty miserably. Worth a read, if you can stomach the casual racism (which I very nearly couldn't). Why were humans so horrible to each other? Why are they still so horrible to each other? I think that's a topic for another blog.

Anyway, these next few weeks are going to  be all about Preparation. With a capital P. Because...well I don't know. For a bit of Emphasis. Grammar Nazi people avert your eyes. Many apologies.

I am awaiting information from MMU about my upcoming Library and Information Management masters degree. All I know so far is that it starts sometime in September. Which is kinda vague. More information would be great a.s.a.p as I really need to start applying for jobs. And I can't do that until I know when I need to be in Uni. So we wait. Me and JJ officially have signed the papers for our new flat, which will allow us to both be closer to his new job and the MMU campus. I had to give someone lots of money to secure this flat. My debit card had a little migraine afterwards.

Waiting is horrible. A reading list might be useful right about now, as I could be getting my nerd on and getting ahead on some things. I literally have very little to do at the moment. I am reading lots and seeing friends. And that is my life essentially. The point to this is that if anyone has any suggestions about prep reading I could be doing, or websites I could be looking through, or people I could be getting to know - tell me! Tell me now! Give me an excuse to avoid packing. Man, I hate packing. It used to be fun. Now I've done it too many times and it just makes me want to hurl all of my possessions out of the window and live purely on the love and goodwill of my fellow humans. But that's just not me. I like my collections of crap. So I guess I should stop grumbling about packing it all up and moving it every year. Where's that parcel tape?

Over and out.