Continuing the theme of getting back into the swing of things, it's that time of the year when the 'dissertation' word keeps popping up in social media feeds and in my own brain once in a while. So far I have completed the taught part of my post graduate degree, which if you study full time at my university lasts from September to May. This gets me a Post Graduate Diploma. To make it into a full Masters degree I have to spend my summer months writing a dissertation.
Now, after the pure hell that was April/May I seriously considered not completing it. Just skipping far, far away with my PGDip and never worrying about it again. However I have decided, against all my grumpy thoughts, to do it. Why? Three golden reasons:
One: I paid lots of shiny money to do this course. I'm getting all the teaching time/access to recourses with my money that I possibly can squeeze from this degree.
You know you're old when this makes you grumpy rather than happy. WHAT AM I PAYING FOR DANGNABBIT?!
(Picture Credit: Reddit)
Two: It's only 18,000 words. Which sounds like a lot, but it's only a similar length to my undergrad dissertation (even though that one was creative writing based and probably was a lot more fun than this one is going to be).
When you over use a thesaurus because you need so, so many words.
(Picture Credit: weknowmemes)
Three: I'm sort of a completest. I was the kid who had to get every single gem on each level of Spyro. I'm the adult who never (almost) gives up on a book, even if it's awful and boring, because I've started, so I MUST FINISH so I can give it a sucky one star review on Goodreads. So I feel like if I complete this degree to the end, I have completed it, very fully, all levels passed and there's no re-doing it. Inner satisfaction will reign.
Nothing felt more satisfying than this ever
(Picture Credit: addictedgamewise)
I'll hopefully be writing about Mobile Libraries, conducting case study, interview and questionnaire research in order to see how they're utilized today, what communities they serve and review best practise suggestions from leading bodies with the aim of suggesting improvements to either the services or the advice given by leading authorities on the topic. A little side-aim is to help add to the literature justifying the need for Mobile Libraries, as all the articles recently seem to be about closures to services :( All I need is consent from a few county councils to come and look at their vehicles and talk to their libraries, which so far is proving more difficult that I would have guessed. First, no-one will answer your emails, then you're passed from person to person which so far has left me with no-one willing to chat with me about it. I will persevere. I hope the librarian ideals of being helpful and sharing information will come out in some council authorities soon and they'll be willing to work with me. I'm a nice person, honestly!
Wish me luck,
Over and out.