Tuesday 2 September 2014

A beginning and an end.

My course starts on the 22nd September. I am raring to go, super keen and oh so excited. I want to meet other library lovers and learn about boring things like copyright laws and the benefits of various shelving systems. I want to go to Manchester City Library's reading room (my new favourite place ever) and do all my work. I want to be productive! I joined, not only my local library, but the main one in the city too, and we only moved into our new place a week ago. There's still some boxes to be tripped over and a shower that I swear pumps water from the arctic, despite hot water flowing to the rest of the flat fine, but other than that it's just a waiting game at the minute. That and applying for jobs. Anyone out there want to hire me? Because I am rapidly running out of pennies and would love to earn some, pronto. That would be the beginning mentioned in the title post...and the end?

I finished my summer reading challenge *grin*. I have received no certificate, and no medal. However I have a lovely tingly feeling and six books crossed off my list that I wanted to read. My original list included Robinson Crusoe. I replaced this with Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen, as I decided this was a book I wanted to read sooner rather than later. I might read Crusoe at some point, but for now, Kaysen's memoir was just the ticket. I also (finally) read the first Game of Thrones book, something I've been meaning and urged by friends to do for ages now. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it would be hard going and not my cup of tea. However I really enjoyed it and some day would like to read the rest of the series. Right now I'm treating myself to some previously unread Atwood and then continuing my ever on going challenge to one day complete the BBC 's Big Read Top 100 books list, with The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel, which is number 92 on the list. I've only read about 39 or so from the list. Perhaps it will be my aim to read all 100 by next summer. Or maybe next Christmas. There's some hefty books on there.

Things all quiet at the moment but looking forward to blogging again when the term officially starts! For now,

Over and Out.

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